Aeroff Oy is a story about persistency and the motivation to improve the working circumstances and conditions in metal machining. The AerOff solution was invented in an applied research project, originated by a group of leading Finnish metal machining companies.
The main target was to develop a solution for eliminating harmful aerosols originating from cutting fluids, which was widely identified as a problem for occupational health in the metal machining industry. There were plenty of filters available in the market which could remove particles from oil mist, but all were incapable of removing or eliminating any harmful gaseous compounds. The project was established in 2015 together with Tampere University of Applied Sciences, VTT Technical Research Center ( and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health ( Both VTT and TTL are governmental regulatory institutions.
Solving the problem was much more complex and difficult than initially anticipated, but our inventor, Pirkko Pihlajamaa, was persistent and determined to find a solution. It was almost at the end of the project when Pirkko had just one more idea that was tried – it worked and the AerOff solution was invented! The report from the research project can be found in this publication of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (TTL) (in Finnish).
The commercial preparations for the AerOff solution started in a second research and development project by Tampere University of Applied Sciences and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, funded by Business Finland. In this extensive project, altogether three prototypes were built and installed in a real customer environment and their purification capabilities were proven with accredited measurements. Each prototype was further developed and represents a more advanced generation of the AerOff Solution. Aeroff Oy strongly co-operates with Tampere Universities and is a member of the cooperation platform Indoor Air Quality ecosystem IAQe.